My Berlin

    down my berlin down
    'cos the world no longer needs you

    agar para pengelana tak lagi berputar
    atau mati ditembak Grenztruppen

    barat-timur tak berujung
    aku tak mau sehari ku
    habis karna mu

    down my berlin down
    karena ada yang harus bersatu


~Arzero Luna~ said…
hmm.. got any problems? relax.. just let it flow.. sometimes we just can't think too much.. ^^
mang said…
temboknya so kuat seh dari dlu...
gw susah ngeruntuhinnya...
bikin masalah tuh tembok...
~Arzero Luna~ said…
umm.. gw pnh denger (lupa drmn).. "it's not strength to open the gate.. but a small key is.."
mang said…
nice quote...
but u know, we're complicated human being...
i guess not so simple for us.
isn't luna?
~Arzero Luna~ said…
yes.. you can decide whether you wanna make it simple or complicated sometimes.. but for some other, you just can't make the decision cause it has been made for you.. thus I choice to let my life flow like it destined to be.. haha..

eniwei, if life is just as simple as others think, it won't be so wonderful for me.. haha..
mang said…
...simply complicated...
~Arzero Luna~ said…
yes that's how I defined myself.. and I've found so do you.. haha..
Q said…
Well...dengan banyak perjuangan, pengorbanan, kesedihan, dan waktu...pada akhirnya tembok berlin dah runtuh kok Mang,hooo...

So..GanbattE!! hohoh :D
~Arzero Luna~ said…
don't forget the SPIRIT! hyahyahya *kabur*
Unknown said…
your Berlin is just a side effect of over-think much. years has passed, let it crumbles and be free :)

live the life you love and be happy.

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