
Showing posts from 2012

something to tell

there's no fancy news not even a brilliant idea it's my heart dancing slow tapping as the footstep swing tap... tap...  knocking as the wind whispers "hello..." it's me being silly  as my mind is thinking a simple idea of you and me


Di pelosok itu, Banyak yang tak kenal kita Banyak wajah sederhana Banyak karya dan panorama Di pelosok itu,  Waktu serasa terhenti Jiwa terus bernyanyi Penuh senyum dan ketulusan Di pelosok itu,  Semangat membara Demi sesuatu yang sederhana Demi manusia Demi kita Di pelosok itu, Indonesia.

Half Lap Away

at times, overthink comes perfectly blurred we got confused on how things are related who's running? who's chasing? are you running away from me? am i chasing you endlessly? are you chasing me? am i running too fast? do you hold yourself to make the gap clear? dear,  we're only half lap away i don't care how things actually work the finish line is clear, and its mine to reach

for what's worth

Walking in the middle of the night Waiting for the sun to rise I'm taking back the wasted time of mine For those in brightness For saying what's loose For getting the real thing out of me So I took what's mine Taking back the wasted time of mine Believing what's remained in silence And taking what's mine

30 minutes ago

30 minutes ago a short story was being told about a hero who raised the flag about a girl with the mighty horse freedom was there to find classy, windy, stormy fields of broken flowers as the desert dried, tiers were falling we were two randomly picked human with no clear destination, with unjustified decision

fourth perspective

at  the slippery times of miracle people hang their hope on the highest star do we have the courage to fly that high? at the split second of my blinking life i put my hunch on the forefront line do we have the courage to believe? ourselves? or do we believe in things that never exist?

one more time

one more time  i  see the sign i see the rain but i can't see you i hear the voice i hear the wind but i can't hear you i wanna touch you feel your heart hold your arms but now i just can't understand you

The Love in Between

    Semua prajurit mati di Chezna       Seorang martir dan tiga battle tank       Bercakan darah...       Garis batas wilayah dilanggar       Red alert!!       Orang suci menangis sunyi       Kehilangan harapan dan merasa bersalah       Marah, sepi, cemas.       Demi kebahagiaan raja dan ratu tercinta

At the end of the day

    Akulah yang terbaik       Terisi dalam diam, terbersih dalam riak       Akulah dewata       kesatria, raja, dan pujangga       Sebelum ku berperang dan berdalih,       Sebelum ku menusuk dan membenci,       Sebelum ku berbaring dan terbangun,       Keberanian dan tindakan bukanlah segala       Kedamaian dan tindakan tidaklah sejalan       Dan semua kejayaan masa perang adalah sementara       Kita hanyalah manusia

The Longest Melody

    Its been the longest phrase dear       The word is not enough to describe my hollow       Its been the hardest chord dear       Like Beethoven and Bach are scolding me for years       I want to hear your free melody       But i can't dear       Cause i'm killing you unintentionally...       Its been the longest week honey       To know that you are doing your best to leave me       19 June 2012

Alice in Wonderland

     Feel all alone Alice      Feel not       I know you seek for me endlessly in every breath       And i need to stay in this tiny bushes instead       Cause i'm scared of the supernova       I see you through the tiny trees and bushes       I seek for you in the empty barn       Cause i already stumbled on happiness       It's uneasy to know that the night has called me       Cause i know that you'll be sleeping       So i'll try my best to give you the sun       Though i know that there will always be tomorrow       I'm sorry for this secret       I wish the earth is not round       And the other life suits us       17 June 2012